Is Florida’s Real Estate Party Over?

Is Florida’s Real Estate Party Over?

Real Estate Market Update... Is The Party Over? I think the real estate market is a lot like frat parties in my college days.  What do I mean by that?  Remember back in your college days, were there frat parties?   The Build Up I remember frats would throw these epic...

Which Way Are Florida’s Real Estate Winds Blowing?

Which Way Are Florida’s Real Estate Winds Blowing?

Real Estate Market Update Video: Don't Buy Until You Watch This! (Click Here!)   Real Estate Market Update What’s the real estate market like right now? Have you ever been out on a windy day and someone asks, “Is it windy?” You say, “Yeah, yeah it is.” Then they...

Don’t Look Back Too Long, The Future Is Coming!

Don’t Look Back Too Long, The Future Is Coming!

To be able to see where you are going you have to give some attention to where you’ve been… but don’t spend too much time looking backward, the future comes pretty fast. With this in mind, I hear a lot of talk about how the real estate market in Florida is going to...

How’s The Current Real Estate Market? Depends!

How’s The Current Real Estate Market? Depends!

"The highest form of wealth is the ability to wake up every morning and say, 'I can do whatever I want today.'” Morgan Housel   Let me preface this correspondence with this:  I own real estate here at the beach, a few condos and a house, all as investment...

Will There Be A Retreat To Safety in 2024

Will There Be A Retreat To Safety in 2024

"Sometimes you just have to survive to fight another day” Alexandra Bracken Over the course of my 20-year career, I've noticed that in hard or strange times, people tend to retreat to quality. They move to what they know to be true. They look for things they trust and...

Watch out for what you can’t see coming.

Watch out for what you can’t see coming.

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.  It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain   There is so much talk about how supply and demand are the two elephants in the room when it comes to projecting real estate market trends and...